Learn all about the gong and how it is good for body,
mind and soul.

The Gong is an ancient, powerful instrument that is much more than just a percussion instrument. The cosmic energy it emits envelops the entire body and penetrates every cell, immersing you in the vibrational waves of holistic sound.
Many experience a journey to their inner self in a state of deep relaxation, clearing their subconscious and returning with a much clearer view of reality.
The sound of the gong reduces stress and tension and alleviates illness. It also balances the nervous and glandular systems, stimulates blood circulation, develops the front part of the brain and harmonises the meridians and chakras. (energy channels and centres).
The state of meditation and relaxation that can be achieved with the gong is accessible to everyone, even those who have never practised yoga, meditation, or other disciplines.
The gong provides a profound sound experience. It is often referred to as a “gong bath” because the sound waves “wash over” you as you relax and enjoy the melodic journey. The overtones effortlessly transport your mind into a meditative state, while the vibrations energise your body and release tension. In the end you will feel very relaxed, calm and happy.

Gong and Healing aims to bring the benefits of sound meditation and sound healing to more people through the power of the gong for body and mind. For most of us it is difficult to simply sit in silence and stillness. However, the use of sound is an effective way for many people to experience all the benefits of meditation and more.
In a gong bath, gong meditation or private session, you bathe in sound. You lie or sit in front of a gong and the gong begins to play. You just sit or lie there and surrender to the sound. As you listen to the gong it helps you to lower your brainwave frequencies.
I currently offer gong sessions in Affoltern am Albis and Zurich. If you would like to know more, please contact me or book a trial session.
The Gong makes meditation easy, pleasant, deeply relaxing and revitalising. It is a daily retreat that strengthens your mind, lifts your mood, relieves stress and helps you overcome any challenges you face.

The unique and soothing sounds calm the mind and can induce a meditative state by stimulating brainwave activity. The body also benefits from the vibrations of the gong. The powerful sound waves cause every cell in the body to vibrate, helping to release blocked energy and restore balance.
One client described it as “that blissful moment of clear consciousness just before falling asleep”. Book a session and find out for yourself.
A brief history of gong
Historical research points to four main centres: Burma, China, Vietnam and Indonesia. Only a few families knew the tradition of gong making as it was passed down from generation to generation. An air of magic surrounded the art of gong making. It is said to have begun around 6000 years ago in the Bronze Age, when a Chinese emperor who had defeated an army ordered his priests to transform the weapons into symbols of peace and positive vibrations.

As an instrument of initiation for enlightenment, ethereal projection and driving away negative spirits, the gong heralded the presence of spiritual kings, kept the sick from dying and carried the deceased safely to their heavenly homes.
The gong was an important part of people’s lives. It still is today. In Asian families, the gong was a sign of wealth and a status symbol. In rituals, the gong was used to summon spirits and ward off demons. Touching a gong brought luck and strength. The gong has retained its special significance in Far Eastern rituals to this day.
The Resonance Theory of Gong Philosophy:
The gong is a power machine that releases sound resonances and complex overtones that are transmitted to the recipient. It is an etheric opening of abundance. It simulates the paranormal experiences of samadhi, i.e. dematerialisation, floating, timelessness, bliss and rejuvenation. Gong has a stress-reducing effect and revitalises the immune and nervous systems.
The Gong in Modern Times
Gong tones add and subtract to create a richness of sound called functional harmony; in mathematics it is the Fibonacci series, in music it is the resulting tone theory. In quantum physics it is the chaos theory of quasi-periodic patterns and 3-dimensional holographic fractalisation. Recently it has been discovered that intense sound waves, when directed at a bubble, produce a strange blue light called sonoluminescence.
The Gong Experience
The vibrations of the gong are a gift from the universe called “free energy”. Sound energy flows through the gong in a continuous stream in all directions, emanating from its centre.
The gong owes its name to the sound it produces: it “is” what it “does”, which is the prerequisite for it to be considered a shamanic instrument of power, likened to the mythical philosopher’s stone. Its energy of immortality and rejuvenating properties give us sustained and heightened curiosity, an important gift that can enhance the quality of a productive human life. It stands to reason, then, that our youthful curiosity will also receive ample nourishment as we absorb the vibrations of the gong tones.
The cleansing of the mind and emotions through gong tones brings about a kind of exorcism, leading to what we call spontaneous healing and transformation. Initiation, as we know it, is a revival of the soul, which is always recognised as a higher sense experience. When the senses of hearing and feeling sounds mix, a blissful state is created that science calls “synaesthesia”. In this altered state, it is possible to see the invisible light of enlightenment with one’s eyes closed and to experience different levels of samadhi, ecstasy and enlightenment.
The Gong for Relaxation & Regeneration
During the gong experience we are in a meditative waking and sleeping state, which I call the four-dimensional dream body. In this state, also known as the completely neutral yogic state of Turiya, we greatly increase the rejuvenating efficiency of our innate intelligence, which works 24 hours a day. When the ego part returns to material consciousness after immersion in gong, we seem to be better able to achieve a state of non-judgement or neutrality.
Gong and Sound Baths Summary
Gong and sound baths are known to have a positive effect on stress symptoms. They are ideal for people suffering from anxiety and/or stress-related illnesses.
Gong sounds can restore balance to the physical, emotional and spiritual body. Gong sounds have a profound effect on the cardiovascular system, autonomic nervous system, hormonal balance and the immune system, and are an excellent complementary therapy for stress-related problems, depression, fatigue, anger and hostility, feelings of separation, loneliness, anxiety and many other conditions related to a lack of balance and harmony in the body.
Recommendation of Gong Masters
We recommend that you join a gong group. You don’t need any experience. Click through to our booking page for dates and locations, information and booking.
Secure your place now. We are often fully booked and sometimes have a waiting list. So book early and come and see for yourself. You are very welcome to attend our sound healing sessions. No previous experience is necessary. We love beginners.
Stay tuned to our newsletter for further dates and venues. We will be happy to inform you of events and news about gong and healing.